{"id":26580,"date":"2023-10-03T09:51:29","date_gmt":"2023-10-03T09:51:29","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/cahootie.com\/?p=26580"},"modified":"2023-10-03T09:51:29","modified_gmt":"2023-10-03T09:51:29","slug":"theresa-may-sparks-war-of-words-with-rishi-sunak-over-net-zero","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/cahootie.com\/politics\/theresa-may-sparks-war-of-words-with-rishi-sunak-over-net-zero\/","title":{"rendered":"Theresa May sparks war of words with Rishi Sunak over Net Zero"},"content":{"rendered":"


Theresa May heated up Tory hostilities last night, launching a rare attack on Rishi Sunak over his plans to backtrack on key Net Zero targets.<\/p>\n

Speaking to fringe in Manchester\u2019s conference, she took an obvious sideswipe at the Prime Minister, saying \u201cNet Zero isn\u2019t a cost to be minimised – it\u2019s the growth opportunity of the century\u201d.<\/p>\n

She said embracing Net Zero, rather than potentially rowing back on it as many Tories want to, could be \u201cworth \u00a31 trillion to British business by the end of the decade\u201d.<\/p>\n

Speaking at the Conservative Environment Network, Mrs May warned: \u201cWe are the only party with \u2018conserve\u2019 in our name\u201d, adding that the recent Tory win in the Uxbridge by-election was \u201cnot won on an anti-environment ticket\u201d, despite many putting the victory down to the Tories\u2019 anti-ULEZ campaign.<\/p>\n

Theresa May\u2019s intervention is just the latest example of out-and-out Tory infighting at this year\u2019s conference.<\/p>\n

Liz Truss returned to conference yesterday afternoon, blasting the Government\u2019s high taxes that are driving away businesses.<\/p>\n

She was joined by heavy hitters like Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg and Dame Priti Patel.<\/p>\n

West Midland Metro Mayor Andy Street also refused to rule out resigning in light of the Prime Minister\u2019s expected cutting of HS2, likely to be announced tomorrow.<\/p>\n


KEY EVENTS<\/h4>\n
  • WATCH: Daily Express Senior Political Correspondent gives a day two update from Tory Conference13:56<\/span><\/li>\n
  • Priti Patel attacks ‘Brexit-bashing BBC’ during a fiery speech at a gala dinner12:46<\/span><\/li>\n

    Rishi Sunak shrugs off Liz Truss’s surge in popularity after barn-storming speech<\/h3>\n

    Rishi Sunak has brushed off questions about his predecessor Liz Truss stealing the limelight at the party conference.The short-lived prime minister, whose fall from office paved the way for Mr Sunak to enter Number 10, was greeted by lengthy queues when she appeared in Manchester on Monday to call for tax cuts to “make Britain grow again”.The Truss-aligned Conservative Growth Group is said to have the support of 60 MPs, a sizeable chunk of the parliamentary party and enough to threaten Mr Sunak’s majority in the Commons.Ms Truss has not been shy about calling for the Government to change course in a bid to boost growth, urging Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to cut corporation tax to at least 19% and to slash Government spending.But Mr Sunak appeared unconcerned about the apparent popularity of his former leadership rival.Asked if it worried him, he said: “No, not at all.”Lots of Conservatives here. I think the mood is great.”People are excited about the things we’re doing.”<\/p>\n

    Beachcomber: Tory fringe venue plays prank on drinks reception<\/h3>\n

    Yesterday evening saw the drinks party for the New Conservatives, after the group of Tory MPs launched their ‘manifesto’ that afternoon.<\/p>\n

    Just around the corner from the official conference, the reception saw Danny Kruger, Miriam Cates, Lee Anderson and others joined by Home Secretary Suella Braverman for speeches and backslapping.<\/p>\n

    Arriving at the venue, many people missed the text that had been placed above the door.<\/p>\n

    “Andy Burnham for Prime Minister”<\/p>\n



    Lee Anderson praises anti-Steve Bray ‘here’<\/h3>\n

    Lee Anderson has piled praise on a Tory activist who was filmed yesterday tackling noisy nuisance Steve Bray, after the Remainer gatecrashed a fringe event.<\/p>\n

    The Tory deputy chairman named the “hero” as Bruce, , adding “Without any thought of his own safety Brave Bruce stopped what could have been a nasty incident by physically ejecting Bray from the building. Luckily no one was hurt”.<\/p>\n

    “Thanks Bruce.”<\/p>\n


    Nigel Farage outlines two areas where he thinks Liz Truss is ‘100% bang on’<\/h3>\n

    The former Brexit Party leader has explained there are two policy areas he fully agrees with Liz Truss on.<\/p>\n

    Nigel Farage said: “She put forward a simple package to axe the tax on businesses, saying the 25 percent rise in corporation tax put in place this year was bad news for the British economy. I agree with that 100 percent.<\/p>\n

    “She also pronounced that if we\u2019re going to use oil and gas, we may as well produce it ourselves rather than exporting jobs and carbon emissions abroad. Once again, she\u2019s 100 percent bang on.”<\/p>\n


    Rishi Sunak fires back at BBC host in HS2 row after he declares: ‘You’ve lost control!’<\/h3>\n

    Rishi Sunak had a feisty exchange on BBC Breakfast this morning in the ongoing row over HS2 as he faces major pressure over the future of the rail line.<\/p>\n

    The PM hit back at Jon Kay’s claim that he has “lost control” of the narrative at the Tory Party Conference.<\/p>\n

    He said: “Actually we’re having a great conference. The mood here is great.”<\/p>\n


    Good morning from Manchester<\/h3>\n

    Welcome to day three of the Tory Party Conference!<\/p>\n

    Our political team will be bringing you all the latest updates from Manchester today where speeches in the main hall are, in order of appearance: Steve Barclay (11am), Michelle Donelan (11.15am), Michael Gove (11.30am), Alex Chalk (3pm) and Suella Braverman (3.15pm).<\/p>\n

    Fringe events today include Jeremy Hunt in conversation with the Centre for Policy Studies at – 12.30pm and Kemi Badenoch in conversation with the Spectator at 6.30pm.<\/p>\n

    Chancellor Jeremy Hunt vows to axe ‘woke Whitehall jobs’<\/h3>\n

    Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has vowed to drastically cut the number of woke government equality and diversity bosses under plans to shrink the Civil Service.<\/p>\n

    He clams the move could save \u00a31billion a year and improve public sector productivity and reduce the tax burden.<\/p>\n

    Around 10,000 equality and diversity jobs are expected to go under the new plans.<\/p>\n

    Tory tax civil war will force Rishi to accept Liz Truss was right<\/h3>\n

    What a difference a year makes. This time 12 months ago Liz Truss’s government had plunged into a death spiral which ended it after 49 days after support for her tax-cutting mini budget collapsed.<\/p>\n

    Today hundreds of Conservative activists queued for hours to get into the former Prime Minister’s “rally for growth” as her push for Rishi Sunak’s government to accept tax cuts gathered momentum.<\/p>\n

    More than that, the woman who was so derided for allegedly crashing the economy (a claim which has been exaggerated to cover the failures of others), is now actually beginning to win over the public according to new polling analysis.<\/p>\n

    ‘Tough decisions’ on HS2 says James Cleverly<\/h3>\n

    Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, speaking to ITV’s Peston tonight at 10.45pm, was asked about HS2. He insisted no final announcement had been made on the Manchester leg but added the Prime Minister would make “tough decisions… for the long-term.”<\/p>\n

    “Well first of all no final decision has been made on that leg and once it has been made, it will be announced,” she said.<\/p>\n

    “But it’s worth remembering that since 2010 we have invested \u00a333 billion in transport infrastructure in the North of England so we are committed to levelling up right across the UK\u2026 we would always like to be able to do more.<\/p>\n

    “Obviously we’ve got to make sure that any decisions we make are sensible, pragmatic decisions and the Prime Minister’s been absolutely clear – it’s not about chasing cheap and easy headlines, it’s about doing the right things, making the tough decisions, the important decisions for the long-term.”<\/p>\n

    Iain Duncan Smith just handed Rishi Sunak a list of 100 changes to make Brexit great<\/h3>\n

    Rishi Sunak was handed a list of 100 regulatory changes to make a success of Brexit by Tory MP Sir Iain Duncan Smith at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester on Monday.<\/p>\n

    Sir Iain used a speech at a fringe event hosted by the Centre for Brexit Policy named \u201cMaking the intellectual, evidence-based case for Brexit and its benefits\u201d to explain how he thought the UK could be better capitalising on its freedom from the EU.<\/p>\n


    Truss demands Sunak ‘axe the tax’<\/h3>\n

    Liz Truss delivered a fiery speech to a packed-out room at a Tory conference fringe event today in which she demanded Rishi Sunak “axe the tax, cut the bills and build homes”.<\/p>\n

    The former PM called on Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to cut corporation tax in November’s autumn statement.<\/p>\n

    Speaking at the Great British Growth Rally event, she said: “I’m calling upon the Chancellor at the autumn statement to put corporation tax back down to 19 percent.<\/p>\n

    “And frankly, if we can get it lower, the better. What we know is that economic growth and making Britain grow again is not going to be delivered by the Treasury. It’s not going to be delivered by more public spending. It’s not going to be delivered by more regulation.<\/p>\n

    “It is going to be delivered by giving business the freedom they need to succeed.”<\/p>\n

    Andy Street hits out at Rishi Sunak as conference hijacked by HS2 row<\/h3>\n

    The Conservative Mayor of the West Midlands challenged the Prime Minister to “work with me and the private sector, grip the costs, and build Britain\u2019s future”.<\/p>\n

    He said: “I wasn\u2019t expecting this in Manchester, but I won\u2019t let HS2 go without a fight.”<\/p>\n

    Owen Jones brands Tories ‘enemy’ of LGBT+ community in angry swipe at Suella Braverman<\/h3>\n

    The left-wing commentator accused the Home Secretary of “tapping into base prejudice” after comments she made about gay asylum seekers.<\/p>\n

    Speaking to the Daily Express at the Conservative Conference in Manchester, Mr Jones said: “The Government have utter contempt for the LGBTQ community, you can see that with them scrapping proposals to ban conversion therapy in this country.<\/p>\n

    “The fact that gay Conservative MPs have said that this looks like a Government indulging in homophobia I think is something I would strongly agree with. It is tapping into base prejudices.”<\/p>\n

    Owen Jones dubs Tories ‘enemy’ of LGBT+ community<\/h3>\n

    Priti Patel blames Labour for ‘woke’ ideological take-over of schools<\/h3>\n

    Priti Patel has blamed Labour for a “woke” ideological take-over of schools, public bodies and the civil service.<\/p>\n

    The former Home Secretary accused the left of stoking cultural wars rather than focussing on important issues.She told a crowd at the Conservative conference: “This nonsense and these distractions are created by the left. And in my view, it is quite obvious why they do it because, quite frankly, they start arguments about unconscious bias, or debating what a woman is and telling us what to think how to think and how to live our lives.<\/p>\n

    “From my point of view, it is obviously much easier for them than doing the hard nine yards of governing.”<\/p>\n

    She added: “We need to call out these appalling ideas and we have to reject them because we need to stand up for what we believe in.”<\/p>\n

    Coffey vows to drop ‘absurd’ EU regulations such as one on ‘bendy bananas’<\/h3>\n

    Environment Secretary Therese Coffey said: “We are going further to help farmers and rural businesses by making the most of our Brexit freedoms, freedom from European rules, freedom to choose what works best for Britain. We’ve already legislated to allow gene editing so that we can design crops that are fit for the future.<\/p>\n

    “My officials are cutting red tape and introducing smarter regulation, and, frankly, bent or straight, it’s not for Government to decide the shape of bananas you want to eat.<\/p>\n

    “I just need to assure you that they are safe. So, we will be dropping absurd regulations including the one on bendy bananas.<\/p>\n

    “We also need more homes in the countryside so that rural communities can continue to flourish. That’s why we’ve consulted to make it easier to turn disused farm buildings into homes.”<\/p>\n

    Andrew Neil weighs in as huge row erupts over NHS supplier ‘trying to influence Spectator event’<\/h3>\n

    A Tory conference row erupted today after Professor Karol Sikora railed against a “blatant attempt at censorship”.<\/p>\n

    The renowned oncologist was due to speak at the Spectator’s “How to fix Britain\u2019s cancer crisis” debate at the Conservative Party Conference.<\/p>\n

    But the healthcare professional said the organisers that sponsored the event, an NHS supplier, had threatened to pull its “substantial sponsorship fee” unless he was “removed from the panel”.<\/p>\n

    He said: “I don’t pretend, or want, to be the most popular person at NHS HQ. But if, as I suspect, they were involved in the attempted cancellation then that is worrying.”<\/p>\n

    Jacob Rees-Mogg reveals he came up with tax plan so radical even Liz Truss blocked it<\/h3>\n

    Brexiteer Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has revealed that during Liz Truss\u2019s short-lived premiership, he came up with a tax-cutting plan so radical that even the Thatcher-loving Tory leader blocked it.<\/p>\n

    Speaking at a packed conference fringe event in Manchester, Sir Jacob says he backed an unprecedented plan to abolish income tax as we know it, and instead move to a single flat rate for all earners.<\/p>\n


    Rishi Sunak in stiches as Jeremy Hunt mocks SNP in hilarious quip<\/h3>\n

    The Chancellor made fun of Humza Yousaf’s party as he delivered his speech at the Conservative Party conference.<\/p>\n

    He said: “We’ll tighten the law to stop people being de-banked for the wrong political views.<\/p>\n

    “The Lib Dems are wrong to want to overturn a democratic Brexit vote but they still need a cash point to withdraw their euros.<\/p>\n

    “The SNP are wrong to ignore a democratic vote for the union but they still need a bank account to pay for their motorhomes.<\/p>\n

    “And even Keir Starmer who’s wrong on just about everything needs his trade union cash so he too can have a bank account, just never the keys to Downing Street.”<\/p>\n


    Michael Gove plugs ‘massive Tory pulling event’<\/h3>\n

    The Levelling Up Secretary has issued a video advertisement for the Tory Party’s closing LGBT disco.<\/p>\n

    Michael Gove said the gettogether would provide “every opportunity to meet the man, the woman, whoever, who can be that special person. Conservatives believe in bringing people together”.<\/p>\n

    Jeremy Hunt is delivering his keynote address<\/h3>\n

    The Chancellor said the level of tax is “too high”.<\/p>\n

    He told the Tory Party conference in Manchester: “Conservatives will always protect public services, but we’re also honest about the taxes that pay for them.<\/p>\n

    “After a once-in-a-century pandemic and the biggest energy crisis in a generation, the level of tax is too high. We were right to protect jobs and families.”<\/p>\n

    He added to scattered applause: “If you work hard, a Conservative Government will always have your back.”<\/p>\n


    WATCH: Daily Express Senior Political Correspondent gives a day two update from Tory Conference<\/h3>\n

    Daily Express Senior Political Correspondent Christian Calgie gives you an essential low-down on all the latest drama and speeches from Manchester.<\/p>\n

    In his daily update, Mr Calgie said: “Let’s talk about the mood of the place… well, generally the consensus is that there isn’t one!<\/p>\n

    “It is not really anxious or angry they are not really going at each other.<\/p>\n

    “One person has even compared it to the Mary Celeste it is so vibe-less!”<\/p>\n

    Watch the full clip below.<\/p>\n

    Conservative Party Conference daily update<\/h3>\n

    Steve Bray gatecrashes fringe event<\/h3>\n

    Anti-Brexit protester Steve Bray has been forcibly ejected after gatecrashing a fringe event at the Tory conference.<\/p>\n

    The Remain activist stood up and began shouting at the meeting organised by the Bruges Group think tank.<\/p>\n

    Mr Bray, who was wearing a blue T-shirt which read “stop the Tories”, interrupted a speaker to question if Britain has benefited from Brexit.<\/p>\n

    As he was kicked out, he continued to rant, saying: “Brexit benefits, my a***. What a load of bull****, never heard so much c*** in all my life.”<\/p>\n


    Police eject man from Tory conference<\/h3>\n

    An eyewitness has told the Express that the police have just ejected someone from Tory conference. They said it was unclear why, but an inspector was heard telling other officers \u201cif it\u2019s not a criminal offence, then just take his pass and kick him out\u201d.<\/p>\n

    The Tory Party have been contacted for comment.<\/p>\n

    Therese Coffey admits there are issues with shotguns in the UK<\/h3>\n

    Therese Coffey has admitted there are issues with shotguns in the UK, citing the Plymouth shooting among the incidents that jeopardise gun ownership.<\/p>\n

    The Secretary of State for DEFRA admitted there was a risk that there would be restrictions brought in in the aftermath of these incidents.<\/p>\n

    But she said she was determined to protect people who owned shotguns from further restrictions.<\/p>\n


    Priti Patel attacks ‘Brexit-bashing BBC’ during a fiery speech at a gala dinner<\/h3>\n

    Dame Priti Patel attacked the “Brexit-bashing BBC” during a fiery speech at a gala dinner on the first night of the Tory Party conference in Manchester on Sunday.<\/p>\n

    The former Home Secretary used an address at the Conservative Democratic Organisation’s black-tie dinner to rail against “the free speech deniers at the BBC and the so-called mainstream media”.<\/p>\n

    Making the case for a fundamental shift within the Tory Party in order to protect free speech, make the most of Brexit and uphold true Conservative values, she said: “We must offer them full-blooded Conservatism. A Conservative manifesto that has our values of Freedom, Enterprise and Opportunity at its heart.<\/p>\n

    “A manifesto that gives families and businesses the economic freedoms that they care about by cutting taxes, reducing red tape, and making the most of the freedoms we now have outside of the European Union.<\/p>\n

    “Our next manifesto must commit to rolling back the frontiers of the State by reforming public services so they are more efficient and effective, bring down the burden of State spending \u2013 the weight of which is making our country sink, and empower communities over planning and development.”<\/p>\n


    Liz Truss speaks to a packed room at fringe growth rally<\/h3>\n

    Liz Truss is ratcheting up the pressure on the Prime Minister today by speaking at a “Rally for Growth” event in the Trafford Suite of the Midland Hotel.<\/p>\n

    After being introduced by GB News’s economics editor Liam Halligan, the former PM declared: “We need more GB News to challenge the economic orthodoxy.”<\/p>\n

    She said: \u201cLong may it continue!\u201d<\/p>\n



    Nigel Farage spotted at Liz Truss rally<\/h3>\n

    The former Brexit Party leader was spotted at the fringe event after being allowed into the Conservative Party Conference for the first time in decades.<\/p>\n

    Nigel Farage is expected to present his flagship GB News show later from within the conference’s secure zone.<\/p>\n

    The former MEP told Express.co.uk he believes the last time he was allowed into a Tory conference was “probably the 1980s” when he was a member of the party.<\/p>\n

    Michael Fabricant defends Suella Braverman and pledges to be an ally of the LGBT+ community<\/h3>\n

    Veteran Tory backbencher Michael Fabricant has defended Suella Braverman’s call to limit gay asylum seekers, saying she is not homophobic.<\/p>\n

    The Lichfield MP and patron of the Conservative LGBT+ group said the Home Secretary has been unfairly attacked as “people love to seize on her”.<\/p>\n

    Mrs Braverman has faced fierce criticism after she said in a speech in Washington that fearing discrimination for being gay or a woman should not be enough to qualify for refugee protection.<\/p>\n

    At the party conference’s LGBT+ Conservative stand, Mr Fabricant told the Daily Express: “All she was saying is that if people are using as an excuse, it’s wrong.<\/p>\n

    Every application has to be looked at on its merits but I certainly don’t think that Suella Braverman is homophobic or was even trying to be.<\/p>\n

    “But of course, people seize on her that’s what they love to do.”<\/p>\n

    Around a dozen Tory MPs, including ministers, complained to the Chief Whip Simon Hart following last week’s speech<\/p>\n

    Mr Fabricant went on to explain how he could not be happier that this year’s Tory conference is in Manchester – which has some of the best LGBT+ nightlife in the world.<\/p>\n

    Popping by the LGBT+ Conservative stand he whooped as he told us his favourite bar on the famous Canal Street is drag cabaret bar Via Fossa… so you know where to find him later.<\/p>\n


    Jeremy Hunt praised for taking flight to Tory Party Conference<\/h3>\n

    Former Brexit minister Lord Frost said “well done” to the Chancellor after it emerged he had caught a flight from London to Manchester.<\/p>\n

    He said: “I don’t often say this but well done Jeremy Hunt. We can already get from London to Manchester in 30 minutes even without HS2. A modern society needs more flights not fewer.<\/p>\n

    “A modern society needs more flights not fewer.”<\/p>\n

    Harper slams Labour over war on motorists<\/h3>\n

    In his speech at the Tory conference, Transport Secretary Mark Harper said: “In London Sadiq Khan’s ULEZ expansion is a Labour tax on the poorest drivers.<\/p>\n

    “And he wants to go further, his plans for road driving would see every driver pay per mile driven no matter how clean their car is.<\/p>\n

    “And in Labour-run Wales, Sir Keir Starmer’s blueprint for Labour, there are blanket 20mph speed limits, an ideological ban on road building and plans to charge people to drive on the M4. And just last week they let slip their plans for road charging across Wales.<\/p>\n

    “It isn’t just in Wales or in London. Right across our country, there is a Labour-backed movement to make cars harder to use, to make driving more expensive, and to remove your freedom to get from A to B however you want.”<\/p>\n

    He added that the Conservatives are “proudly pro-car”.<\/p>\n


    Ben Wallace promises Ukraine victory \u2013 but says West must help finish the job<\/h3>\n

    The former Defence Secretary said Ukraine has the \u201cmomentum\u201d against Russia and its counteroffensive is succeeding, \u201cslowly but surely\u201d.<\/p>\n

    But, using an op-ed in a national newspaper, Ben Wallace argued Britain was in a position to help Kyiv finish off the Russians.<\/p>\n

    He said: \u201cRomance, ego and revenge drove Putin to cross into Ukraine and it will be his undoing. His army has lost more than 2,500 tanks, 6,500 armoured vehicles and nearly 300,000 dead or injured. Not a single commander who led the major Russian units into Ukraine is still in place.<\/p>\n

    \u201cPutin is desperately grasping at the final two things that can save him \u2013 time and the splitting of the international community. Britain can do something about both.\u201d<\/p>\n


    Rishi Sunak warned he must halt exodus of British talent abroad as Tory tax revolt looms<\/h3>\n

    British talent is fleeing the country and needs to be encouraged to stay, a new report warns.<\/p>\n

    The Independent Business Network document will pile further pressure on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to begin to slash taxes.<\/p>\n

    It comes as two major events today at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester will see leading figures demand that the Government stop increasing taxes and start cutting them.<\/p>\n


    Poll: Who is your favourite Tory politician?<\/h3>\n

    As the Conservative Party’s annual conference continues, the Express wants to know who your favourite Tory politician is.<\/p>\n

    Vote in our poll here.<\/p>\n

    Robert Jenrick dismisses claims the weather is behind a fall in Channel crossings<\/h3>\n

    The immigration minister dismissed claims the weather is behind a fall in Channel crossings at the Tory Party conference today.<\/p>\n

    Robert Jenrick revealed the number of migrants reaching UK shores is down 25 percent, compared to last year.<\/p>\n

    He said he was given a \u201creasonable worst-case scenario\u201d of 85,000 crossings this year.<\/p>\n

    The immigration minister said: \u201cThere does seem to be a reduction in demand, and the ability of the people smugglers to get people across the Channel, but I don\u2019t overstate that because the public does not want to see a 25 percent reduction.<\/p>\n

    \u201cThey want to see a 100 percent reduction.\u201d<\/p>\n


    Your full and comprehensive Tory Party Conference 2023 guide<\/h3>\n

    The Conservatives are now in Manchester for their annual gathering of activists, MPs, ministers, lobbyists and journalists as the second day of the event kicks off.<\/p>\n

    While he goes into the conference in a perilous position, disliked by many members and miles behind Labour in the polls, the recent net zero announcement and closing of the gap between Labour and Tories have given Mr Sunak a glimmer of hope for a positive Manchester gathering.<\/p>\n

    Express.co.uk has taken an extensive look at everything happening at the Tory Party Conference 2023, including what’s on the agenda, when the Prime Minister will speak and what onlookers should expect…<\/p>\n


    POLL: Should Jeremy Hunt cut taxes now?<\/h3>\n

    The Chancellor is under pressure from within his own party to commit to tax cuts ahead of the next general election.<\/p>\n

    Jeremy Hunt has come under fire for the UK\u2019s record-high tax bill but warned that it is \u201cnot the right time\u201d for tax cuts and told BBC Breakfast that doing so in his upcoming Autumn Statement would fuel inflation and increase spending.<\/p>\n

    Do YOU think he should cut taxes now? Vote here in our poll<\/strong>…<\/p>\n


    Robert Jenrick declares the ‘age of mass migration’ will validate Brexit<\/h3>\n

    Immigration minister Robert Jenrick has declared the “age of mass migration” will validate Brexit.<\/p>\n

    Mr Jenrick said it would give Britain more powers to control our borders.<\/p>\n

    But he admitted the migration system became “more liberal” after the historic 2016 vote.<\/p>\n

    Mr Jenrick said: \u201cThe age of mass migration that we\u2019re living in completely validates the decision to leave the EU. It is already clear that having control of those levers is incredibly important. And it will be even more so in the decades to come.<\/p>\n

    \u201cI think it is also true, to speak honestly with you, that after leaving the European Union, we ended up creating a system that was, if anything, more liberal than one that we had beforehand.<\/p>\n

    \u201cIt has led to more people coming into the country legally, in very large numbers.<\/p>\n

    \u201cWe have got to make changes to the system. The Prime Minister, the Home Secretary and I committed to doing that because that is what the British public have been asking us as politicians to do for decades.<\/p>\n

    \u201cThat\u2019s why so many people voted to leave the European Union. We have to not just back control of the levers of immigration, but actually exercise them to bring control to our migration system.\u201d<\/p>\n


    Bim Afolami mocks Keir Starmer in rousing speech<\/h3>\n

    Bim Afolami gave a rousing speech at a business event last night, asking the crowd if anyone knew what Sir Keir Starmer thought about the economy.<\/p>\n

    Just one person at the back of the MHP Reception put their hand up.<\/p>\n

    To which the Conservative MP for Hitchin and Harpenden quipped: “Well apart from that one person who has had a private briefing from Keir.”<\/p>\n


    Tensions burst as James Cleverly filmed in furious row over Windsor Famework<\/h3>\n

    James Cleverly was on the receiving end of fury over the Windsor Framework last night, being filmed taking a verbal beating from a party member.<\/p>\n

    The row went on for some time at a late-night reception, with Mr Cleverly heard saying the Government had \u201cinherited something that wasn\u2019t working\u201d and they\u2019ve made it better.<\/p>\n

    In March, Boris Johnson led a failed rebellion against the new deal with the EU, with the ERG group of MPs saying that the “Stormont Brake” element of the deal is “practically useless\u201d.<\/p>\n

    James Cleverly caught in furious row over Windsor Framework<\/h3>\n

    Beachcomber: Gove’s party telling off<\/h3>\n

    It seems Tory Party chairman Greg Hands’s private party last night didn’t go entirely smoothly.<\/p>\n

    The party boss held a gathering at the Midland Hotel, where Michael Gove got into hot water after sneaking onto the balcony for a crafty cigarette.<\/p>\n

    He was swiftly told off by security – puff day at the office.<\/p>\n

    Meanwhile what was meant to be a private gathering for the party’s top brass ended up accidentally being listed on the hotel lobby electronic billboard, resulting in multiple incidents of regular members calling the room asking to attend.<\/p>\n

    Jeremy Hunt appears to distance himself from Suella Braverman’s approach to migration<\/h3>\n

    The Chancellor said he “wouldn’t use her words” when asked about the Home Secretary’s latest migration speech, which was criticised by the United Nations refugee agency and fellow Tory MPs.<\/p>\n

    The Chancellor told TalkTV: “I am married to an immigrant and I’ve always believed that we benefit massively as a country from welcoming the brightest and best from all over the world.<\/p>\n

    “Suella Braverman wouldn’t use my words, I wouldn’t use her words.<\/p>\n

    “But she’s absolutely right that the social contract that makes Britain one of the most tolerant countries in the world when it comes to immigrants depends on fairness.<\/p>\n

    “And what we’re seeing at the moment with these criminal gangs smuggling thousands of people over the Channel is not fair. It’s an abuse of the way the law works in Britain, it’s an abuse of all the public services that you get free of charge here.<\/p>\n

    “And she is absolutely right to tackle that because otherwise we will undermine that social contract, and we won’t have that tolerant attitude that we’re so proud of having in this country.”<\/p>\n


    Nigel Farage jubilant as he gets inside a Tory party conference for first time since 1980s<\/h3>\n

    Nigel Farage will today be allowed into the Conservative Party conference secure zone for the first time since the 1980s.<\/p>\n

    The former Brexit Party and Ukip leader has been persona non grata with the Tories for decades and is seen as a major threat to their electoral hopes.<\/p>\n

    But today he walks into Manchester Central conference centre on a press pass to present his show for GB News and the Tories have decided not to veto his access.<\/p>\n


    Jeremy Hunt blasted on BBC with Tory rebellion growing<\/h3>\n

    Jeremy Hunt was blasted on the BBC this morning for the UK\u2019s record-high tax bill, which is now the highest since after the Second World War.<\/p>\n

    The BBC’s Jon Kay pressed him over the extortionate tax bill, saying it\u2019s \u201ca bit rich\u201d to talk about increasing the income tax threshold as he announces an increase in the National Minimum Wage.<\/p>\n

    Mr Kay said: \u201cThat\u2019s a bit rich, isn\u2019t it, because people watching this morning know all too well – your own MPs know only too well – that the tax bill has never been higher in history.\u201d<\/p>\n


    Kemi Badenoch to slam Rejoiners in fiery speech with warning of Keir Starmer Brexit U-turn<\/h3>\n

    Sir Keir Starmer\u2019s party is relentlessly talking down the country and wrongly blaming global challenges on Britain\u2019s departure from the EU, the Business and Trade Secretary will say today.<\/p>\n

    Kemi Badenoch will tell Tory grassroots that common sense Conservatism that focuses on getting things done is what the country needs.<\/p>\n

    She will say: \u201cIt has been a difficult time to be in government anywhere in the world. Ministers in other countries tell me about supply chain issues affecting everything from getting car components to stocking supermarket shelves.<\/p>\n

    \u201cThey tell me about how they are coping with unfilled vacancies as societies from Germany to Japan get older.<\/p>\n

    \u201cBut it is only when I am back in the UK that l am told that all these issues are down to Brexit.\u201d<\/p>\n


    James Cleverly announces trip to Falklands with warning of Labour threat to independence<\/h3>\n

    Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has announced a forthcoming visit to the Falkland Islands.<\/p>\n

    He joked some members may have noticed he may have had a \u201crun-in with the Argentinian Government at the moment\u201d.<\/p>\n

    He said: \u201cSome of you may have noticed that because they have an election coming they\u2019re trying to do a bit of flexing of their muscles when it comes to the people of the Falklands.<\/p>\n

    \u201cNow I believe in the right of people to have self-determination.<\/p>\n

    \u201cAnd we need to return to a Conservative Government to make clear that they and others around the world are protected.\u201d<\/p>\n


    Good morning<\/h3>\n

    Good morning from Manchester. I\u2019m Sam Stevenson, and \u2013 along with the rest of our Parliamentary team \u2013 I\u2019ll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Tory Party Conference today.<\/p>\n

    Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.<\/p>\n

    We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info<\/p>\n

    Source: Read Full Article<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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