British intelligence says Israel did not bomb Gaza hospital, Sunak announces

Rishi Sunak has told the House of Commons that a British intelligence investigation into the missile strike at the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza last week confirms it was not caused by Israel.

The revelation comes after widespread misreporting of the attack by the media, based on claims by Hamas.

Speaking to MPs, Mr Sunak said: “I can now share our assessment with the House”

“On the basis of the deep knowledge and analysis of our intelligence and weapons experts, the British Government judges that the explosion was likely caused by a missile or part of one that was launched from within Gaza towards Israel.”

The Prime Minister said the misreporting of the strike “had a negative effect in the region, including on a vital diplomatic effort and on tensions here at home”.

He warned: “We need to learn the lessons and ensure that in future there is no rush to judgement”.


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