Labour politician resigns in disgrace after comparing Israel to Nazi Germany

A Labour politician has resigned in disgrace just hours after comparing Israel to Nazi Germany in a series of controversial WhatsApp posts.

Hajran Bashir, a Labour councillor at Walsall Council, allegedly posted a graphic comparing the two regimes on her WhatsApp stories last week.

Ms Bashir, who also serves as a shadow cabinet member, has reportedly been suspended from the party pending an investigation after a whistleblower shared her posts.

The whistleblower sent evidence to GB News alleging the councillor compared the actions of the Israeli regime against Palestinian civilians to the foundations of Nazi Germany.

She has since resigned, claiming that the Labour leadership’s stance on the “ongoing genocide” in Palestine had persuaded her to part ways with Sir Keir Starmer’s party.

READ MORE: Labour revolt as one in five poised to quit over Starmer’s Gaza stance

One post shared with GB News allegedly contained a split graphic contrasting the Nazi flag with the flag of Israel.

The graphic claimed the nation was “founded on Jewish supremacy”, had “expelled millions from their homes” and “used dehumanising language for undesirables”, among others.

Each claim was also listed under the Nazi Germany section, which was “founded on Arian supremacy” and participated in almost identical acts, the post alleged.

The post also alleged Israel has “enforced collective punishments” on Gazan civilians, a war crime international experts have accused the country of committing.

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World-renowned independent experts have said cutting off water and reportedly communications access to the people of the Gaza Strip went too far.

Common Article 33 of the Geneva Conventions states that armed forces acting against ethnic groups or communities for the actions of a group – in this case, Hamas – constitutes illegal collective punishment.

Earlier this week, a group of independent UN experts accused Israel of carrying out the criminal act following “indiscriminate military attacks against the people of Gaza”.

Ms Bashir allegedly strayed back into more fringe beliefs in a follow-up post advising people on how to respond when they are “asked to condemn Hamas or any other Islamic action”.

The post reportedly stated: “When you condemn 75 years of tyranny, illegal occupation, killing of civilians, forced evictions & bombing of entire communities … then you will have earned the moral authority to ask others.”

The councillor did not mention her suspension in a post announcing her resignation “effective immediately”, on November 2, citing her “profound concerns about its leadership’s stance on the ongoing genocide, complicity in child murder, and its anti-humanitarian stance” on Gaza.

She added: “I hope my departure will draw attention to the need for the party to reevaluate its stance on these critical issues and return to its core values”. has approached Ms Bashir for comment.

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